Labeling Obligations

Specified Commercial Transactions Law

Distributor :Tsusaki Shoji Co.
Sales Manager :Shoji Udoda
Address:6426 Kusumi, Kusumi Town, Taketa City, Oita Prefecture 878-0201
Phone number :0120-959-667
FAX number --
E-mail address:
Home page :
Products: Original event bottles, whiskey, etc.
Licenses and Permits: Mail Order Liquor Retailer License, Takeda Chou, No. 167/No. 31
Name and Address of Sales Office: Tsuzaki Shoji Co.
Name of Sales Manager:Shoji Udoda
Date of training:2021-11-11
Next training due date:2024-11-10
Name of Training Organization:Takeda Retail Liquor Distributors Association

Sales Quantity:Products are limited to stock.
We will contact you by e-mail, phone, or fax if the product you ordered is out of stock.

Fees other than the price of the product

(Whisky sales )
Shipping fee (1,000 yen) for all orders.
In principle, the customer is responsible for the COD fee (300 yen) and bank transfer fee. All consumption taxes are included in the product price (tax included price).

Order validity period
In principle, based on the inventory display.

(Whisky Sales )
If the product is found to be sold out after an order has been placed, we will contact you by TEL or e-mail.
When using COD, please pay the driver for the product at the time of delivery.
Please specify your preferred delivery date and time within 14 days of the order date.
If you do not receive your order within one week of the delivery date, your order will be cancelled and you will be charged for shipping costs. Please understand this in advance.

Time of delivery
After confirming the contents of your order, we will send it to you by e-mail.

(Whisky Sales )
Orders without a specified delivery date and time will be shipped within 2 business days of the order date.
Please note that the delivery time may vary depending on the region.
However, in the case of credit card payment, the order will be shipped after confirming the credit card status.
You may request a delivery date and time within 14 days from the date of your order. Please note that we do not accept layaway orders. Please understand this in advance.

Personal Information

Handling of Personal Information

We recognize the importance of protecting personal information and believe that it is our social responsibility to use and protect it appropriately.


(Definition of personal information)

Personal information is information about an individual that can be used to identify the specific individual, such as name, date of birth, gender, telephone number, e-mail address, occupation, place of employment, etc.

(Collection and use of personal information)

We will collect and use personal information only for the following purposes and within the scope of such purposes.

The collection and use of personal information by our store is based on the voluntary provision of personal information by the customer, and when the customer provides personal information, it is assumed that the customer has given permission for our store to use the personal information in accordance with this policy.

When you provide us with your personal information, you consent to our use of your personal information in accordance with this policy.

To provide information that we believe is useful and necessary for our customers, such as information on new products.

To provide information that may be useful and necessary for our customers, such as information about new products.

・Investigations to refuse the use of our store by customers who intend to use our store for fraudulent or unfair purposes.

Improvement of services and security provided by our store and our partners

To respond to various types of inquiries.

(Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties)

We will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the individual, unless required by law or for other legitimate reasons.

(Supervision of contractors)

We may provide a portion of personal information to outside contractors in the course of providing products and services to our customers. In such cases, we will manage the subcontractors to ensure that they handle personal information appropriately.

(Management of Personal Information)

In order to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information, we will appoint a person in charge of personal information protection and management, strive for adequate security protection, and appropriately manage the personal information we receive to keep it accurate and up-to-date.

(About Cookies)

Cookies may be used on this website for the purchase of products, surveys of user trends, and other purposes. Please note that if you set your browser not to use cookies, the functions available on this website may be limited.

(Reference, correction or deletion of information content)

If you wish to inquire about, correct, or delete the personal information you have provided to us, we will respond to your request as soon as reasonably possible after confirming your identity.

(About security)

SSL encryption is used to encrypt all communications between your web browser and the server, so that the information you enter in your shopping cart is transmitted securely.
